Connect with the right clients

Finding the right opportunities starts with understanding what you’re looking for. That’s how we make matches that work — for you and your clients. Because it takes great relationships to produce great work.

frost talent

Freelance & Interim

We aim to introduce you to clients who require your unique skills and experience — just when they need it most. If we think we can help, we’ll sit down, get to know each other, and explore possibilities together. 


How we work




We’ll start with a phone chat to check the basics and see how we can help you. When we see your role is in demand, we’ll invite you in to get to know you and your professional experience. 


We always work with agencies and companies we know well, so we can make matches that are right for them and for you. And we’ll always be clear and upfront about the possibilities.   


We will always manage the process with you closely and ensure all the paperwork is in place before you start.